The Silence of Peleshian (Il silenzio di Pelesjan)
New York premiere
Italy. Dir. Pietro Marcello. 2011, 52 mins. Known for his poetic documentaries (The Mouth of the Wolf), Marcello has created a unique and lyrical portrait of the brilliant Armenian filmmaker Artavazd Peleshian. Peleshian (b. 1938) pioneered a dynamic, associative editing technique, “distance montage,” inspired by Dziga Vertov, combining original and archival footage in a dazzling style. The Silence of Peleshian combines scenes from Peleshian’s films with new footage of him in present-day Moscow, a silent recluse. Followed by screenings of two of Peleshian’s greatest films, Seasons of the Year (1975, 29 mins.) and Life (1993, 7 mins.). Of the former, Peleshian said “I was thinking of everything. It’s not specifically the seasons of the year or of people: it’s everything.” Life is about the process, and meaning, of birth.
Free with Museum admission. A First Look series pass, allowing the holder admission to the Museum and all First Look screenings for the run of the series, is available for $40. Order online or call 718 777 6800.