Neil Young in Greendale
Dir. Neil Young. 2003, 87 mins. 35mm. With Sarah White, Eric Johnson, Ben Keith.
Shot over three weeks on a Super-8 underwater camera, Neil Young’s Greendale falls somewhere between home movie and music video. Set in a seaside California town, the film follows the Green family as they try to navigate the troubled waters of contemporary American life by holding fast to a brand of political activism largely fallen to the wayside. Greendale contains no dialogue—Young’s quietly insistent voice sets the pace and tone of the film, speaking for the characters and narrating throughout. Committed to its do-it-yourself aesthetic and to its political ideals, Greendale is a moving swan song to the American dream.
​Free with Museum admission on a first-come, first-served basis. Museum members may reserve tickets in advance by calling 718 777 6800. For more information about becoming a Museum member and to join online, please click here.