Bile and Discussion with Director Ira A. Goryainova
Free online screening of Bile, followed by a live online conversation between director Ira A. Goryainova and MoMI’s Associate Curator of Science and Film Sonia Epstein.
Presented in partnership with the Imagine Science Film Festival, which takes place online October 16–23.
Dir. Ira A. Goryainova. Belgium, 2019, 64 mins. A fascinating, introspective essay film that considers the human body as a political metaphor, Bile poses the questions: What is the body, what is illness, and finally, what is death? Exploring the history of medical imaging alongside reflections on the recent death of the director’s mother in post-Soviet Russia, Goryainova attempts to comprehend the complex subject of corporeality. Bile made its world premiere at the International Documentary Filmfestival Amsterdam. U.S. premiere.
Free with RSVP. Instructions: Registration required on Labocine, the Festival’s online site. Then, RSVP to watch for free.
Please note: Following the event, Bile will be available to view via Virtual Cinema through October 25. Tickets are $10 with half of proceeds going to support the Museum.