Saturday Morning, courtesy of USC Hugh M. Hefner Moving Image Archive
Saturday Morning + Susan After the Sugar Harvest
Sunday, October 31, 2021, 12:45 p.m.
Museum of the Moving Image - Bartos Screening Room
Saturday Morning
Dir. Kent Mackenzie. 1971, 82 mins. DCP. “This is a cinema of experience rather than entertainment. The filmmaker, a product of the American documentary movement, places 20 California adolescents in a week-long therapy setting in a rural retreat; all action is spontaneous. After a series of innocuous interchanges, more difficult areas are touched; a girl, called upon to strike her ‘mother’ (acted by another member of the group), cannot do so in a poignant moment of impotent hesitation, and bursts into tears; another girl realizes that she accepts all viewpoints because she herself has none; a boy discovers, among prolonged sobbing, that one is ultimately alone. The sweet innocence of sex, displayed by some, is revealed as repression; seemingly real experiences emerge as frauds.”
Susan After the Sugar Harvest
Dir. Peter Robinson. 1971, 27 mins. 16mm. “An in-the-kitchen interview with a young American girl just back from cutting sugar cane in Cuba, turns into a moving, thought-provoking discussion of the differing value systems of the two civilizations and indicates how the girl's consciousness was changed by the experience. As she prepares sandwiches for herself and the filmmaker, we also get a glimpse of her uncorrupted idealism.”