Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Museum of the Moving Image transitioned to remote programming in March of 2020, and closed the building due to safety concerns. In support of our reopening and continued remote programs, MoMI launched a Kickstarter campaign in October 2020, which successfully raised $50,234 from 729 backers. We are touched and overwhelmed by the support of our community and new friends during a challenging time. We would also like to recognize our friends and partners who contributed items to and raised the profile of the campaign; Bien Cuit bakery, Wyatt Cenac, Cinephile Games, Bill Heeter and Kristi Correa, Noel MacNeal, Craig Shemin and Stephanie D’Abruzzo, and James Wojtal Jr.
We are so grateful for your support, and want to acknowledge those who believe in our mission!
Contributors at the $1,000 level and above
Craig Shemin and Stephanie D’Abruzzo
Zach & Vicky Topkis
Contributors at the $250 to $1,000 level
Chris Ohlson
Contributors at the $100 to $250 level
Brian Amyot
Anonymous (2)
Lynne Ayles
Ricky Bardy
Sarah Bricker
Marc Brown
Bill Buschel
Evan Cathcart
Tina Chiu
Cecilia Curran
K DeLaRosa
Tammy M. Douglas
Diane & Barry Eisenstat
Gabriella Funk
George L. Ganat
Tom Gerrity
Justin and Danielle Giannone
Matt Goldman
Melinda Green
Jason Gutierrez
Laurel Halter
Mark Hartsuyker
Anna Hendrick
Maren Holmen
Scott E. Joy
Aparna K H
Alan D. Kaltz
Brian Matthew Kim
Nancy Larcher
Eli Lee O'Connor
Owen Lombardo and Family
Jeff Malmberg
Ian McCulloch
Victoria Merlino & Jonathan Sperling
Francisco Montero
Michael Montgomery & Shaun Hutchinson
Katie Morris
Christopher P. Nguyen
Jeff Nicodemus
Jose Padron
John and Tina Pappas
Micah Payson-Lewis
Eric Rafaloff
Matt Remick
Leonard Richardson
Jake Roth
Brett Ryans
Steven Sadauskas
Eli Spaulding
Steve, Jenn/Ferna & Xavier
The Bond Brothers, Cory & Kyle
The Giampaolo Family
AnnMarie Thomas
Scott and Hyejeong Thurman
Panagiotis Trilianos
Keith Uhlich
Daniel P. Weick
Joe Zamarelli
Contributors up to $100 level
Joe A
Tim Abbott
Stephanie Adams
Amzaray Ahmed
Clay Aldridge
Alain Alfar
Brian M. Andrews
Ianna Angelo
Anonymous (36)
Dennys Antunish
Demetra Arapakis
Tansal Arnas
W. Kris Arnold
Sean Attri
Kyle Leigh Avery
Gabi B
Sahar Baghaii
Anna Balchunas
Arnold Ballesteros
Garrett Beltis
Dmitry Belyavsky
M'ris Berlin
Ari Berson
Sydney Beveridge
Robert Bianco
J. Black
Christopher Bonner
Jeremiah Bonney
Jimmy Bontatibus
Gleb Boundin
Laura Boylan
Ross Bratin
Jon Bristol
Glen Brixey
Brody Brooks
Sam Brown
Lori Brown
Stewart Buck
Nathaniel Buckholz
Daniel Bungert
Thomas Victor Businger
Claudia C.
Michael Cadenillas
Louie Cao
Adam Capitanio
Chad Cardin
Laura Carey
Rebecca S. Carlson
Ethan Carota
Will Carroll
Patrick Cartelli
John Chadwick
Sandra Charles
Sunny Cheng
Simon Chiddington
Aron Chilewich
Laura Chrismon
Ilektra Chrysanthou
Doug Churchman
Samantha Cioppa
Yussef Cole
Brendan Conheady
Grace Connolly
Iain Cook
Catharine Corrigan
Eileene Coscolluela
Scott Cosden
Matt Costabile
Richard Crowther, Jr.
Eve Cunning
Alyson D'Lando
Jason Dachman
Gabriel DaCosta
Adriana Damiani
Nicholas Dasko
Hugh H. Davis
Christian DeBonville
Peter X. DeFabritus
Timothy DeHaas
Danielle DePippo
Chelle Destefano
Bree Destephano
Shivani Dhir
Marina di Marzo
Vincent Diga
Chris Diggins
Stephen and Tara Disney
Alex Doda
John R. Donald
Sheela Doraiswamy
Gila Drazen
Jeff Duarte
Alison R. Durkee
Jahmil Eady
PS Ecker
Joel Eden
Ben Empey
Patricia Erdely
Matthew Evans
Anthony Falvo
Jeremy Farbman
AJ Favorito
Colin Ferris
Joshua Finnell
Kim Fisher
Edward Fitzpatrick
James Flux
Monica Elida Forssell
Lisa Franklin
Jerome Froelich
Shelly G.
Tony & Michelle Gadaleta
Nina Gadaleta
David Gander
Kevin Garcia-Ramirez
Zachary Garrett
Deborah Gilbert Pressman-Cobb
Jeff Gilfelt
Jared Gilman
Maggie Glass
Sean Glass
Ren Goetz
Roman Gold
David Golding
Luis S Gomez
Aaron F. Gonzalez
David Gordon
Meryl Gottlieb
Gaby Goubaud-Morales
Zach Grabowski
Five Grant
Katelynn Greene
Clayton Grey
Jason Griffey
Julie Grinde
Richard L. Haas III
Nadia Hajidin
Kent Harlow
Christopher Harris
Aziz Hasan
Dustin Hauff
Rosemary Hawkins
Erin Hawley
Chun Hei Cheung
Rick Hernandez
Anthony Hersey
Catherine Hicks
Amanda Hill
Robert Himmelstein
Jack Holloway
Holly & Alyssa
Corey Holmes
Elizabeth Hoskins
James Ingrassellino
James Irish
David Isetta
Molly Jackson
Jennifer Lauren Jacobs
Kevin Jean
Heather Jessica
Charles A. Jimenez
Brian Jimenez
Meridith Jones
Maria Judice
Dannel Jurado
Seong Kang
Daniel Kaufman
Josiah Keeshig
Kevin Keller
Alicia Kennedy
Aparna KH
William Klayer
Esther Ko
Adam Kostopoulos
Richard Kronenberg
Adam Kubelka
Hernández Kuret
Hector L
Matthias Lamm
Don Langan
Tyler Langan & Harriet Madan
Emily Larcher
Elizabeth LaRochelle
Zachary, Elisabeth, and James Leatherman
Michelle Lederman
Andrew Lee
Jeena Lee
David Leeds
Rachel Leishman
Annalise Leonelli
Rafi Levavy
Angi Lewis
Alicia Lim
Robert Lipton
Tal Lorberbaum
Kimberly M. Lowe
Ellen Luther
Kate Lynch
Jon M.
Juliana M.
Kyle P. Mahoney
Stephen Maneri
Ryan Mannion
Angela Marino
Michelle Martella
Brian R. Martin
Scott & Dani Martineck
Jesse Martinez
Jaime Martinez-Rivera
Joseph Mascaro
Abby Masiuk
Ian McAlpin
Carly McCloskey
Dana McCormack
Liam McEneaney
Erin McGee
Danny and Jessica McHugh
Duck McManus
Hannah Meller
Scott Mendenko
Luke Meyer
Justin Montana
Jeremy Montano
Suzie Moore
Eric Morris Eskenazi
Steven C. Moschidis
Michael Mosley
Patrick Mullen.
Anthony Murisco
Kosuke Nakahara
Mike Natale
Eric Naud
Peter Nauffts
Sheila Nemer
Andy Newton
Tom O'Keefe
Adam Offitzer
José A. Olivares Gómez
Garrett Omvig
Chris Orsi
David Osit
Erin Owens
Jason Pabon-McAllister
Jeff Pachman
Sean Palmer
Maria Christina Papadopoulos, Esq.
Beth Parker
Rick Passmore
Laura Patel
Patrick Garrett Pavesi
Benjamin Peeples
Helen Peeples
Jason C. Penney
Maximillian Perez
Hector Perez
Rachel Perry
Cristina Petrarca
Justin H. Piatt
Ellen Pierson
Wendy Polutanovich
Claire Pope
Ellen Power
Carilyn Priolo
Kevin Provost
Melissa Puma
Daniel Purcell
Holly L. Quinn
Magdalena Rahn
Abby Raiford
Eric Raisher
Andrew Rapin
Neil Ratna
Eron Rauch
Kyle Reid
Brian Reynolds
Claire Richards
Isidore Rigoutsos
Adrián Rivera Lozano
Heidi Robinson
Rock Steady Media
Damon Rolls
Samuel Rome
Sara Roncero-Menendez
Matthew Scott Roren
Marwa Roshan
Vicki Rossell
Mike Roznik
Christopher Sailor
Abhilash Sarhadi
Anil Sawh
Anja Schindel
Melissa Scopelitis
Jason Seemann
Robert Seidel
Kevin Selwyn + Melissa Muscato
Hannah Shepard
Andrew Sherman
Nancy M. Silva, MD
Liz Simons
Lily Singer
Joshua Smith
Jonathan P. Smith
Nick Snyder
Lisa A. Soares
Matthew Soberman
Eleanor Sokoloff
Shireen Soliman & Family
Steven Specter
David Speer
Ann and Tim Stahmer
Lisa Starzyk
Lisa Stock
Kachael Stocks
Count Strahd Von Zarovich
Chris Stulz
John Surico
Carolyn Sutton
Lex Szentmiklosy
Christine Szubeczak
Kawa T.
Naoko Takahashi
Cara Takemoto
Elizabeth Tarangelo
Julio Terra
The Baron Weintraub Family
The Das Family
The Harkavy Family
The Kita-Alberty Family
The Lewis Family
The Waterhouses
Skye Thorleifson
Tigre Systems Inc
Zachary Timm
Bridget Toner
Tony the Tiger
Vincent Tran
Ryan Treacy
Kathleen Treat
Mallory Triest
Chia-Yin Tu
Thijs Van Quickenborne
Filippo Vanucci
Austin Varela
Amy Veltman
Hubert Vigilla
Matthew Viscuse
Kathrynne W.
Trevor James Walker
Jonah Wallerstein
Stuart Ward
Ronnie Warner MD
Suzanne Weiner
Josh Weinstein
Al Welch
Sarah Wells
J.R. West Dark Dwarves Games
Simon Whelan
Sara Williamson
Clare E. Wilson
Amy B. Windham
Ksenia Winnicki
Zach Woelfel
Zach Woliner
Christopher Woll
Stephen M. Wolterstorff
Crystal Wong
Alex Woodward
Mariah Youngblood
Nick Yulman
Dara Zwemer
And to all the rest of our Kickstarter supporters, thank you!